During the 1992 presidential campaign, then Governor Bill Clinton made a campaign stop in Grand Central. He was followed by a huge press corp, jostling cameras and carrying microphones. As I walked by the crowd I paused to see what all the commotion was about. Clinton saw me, a workingman dressed in full uniform. He paused (he knew this was a great photo opportunity,) and held his hand out to me. He looked me straight in the eye and firmly grasped my outstretched hand with his right hand as he clasped my forearm with his left. He made me feel as if I were the only person in that cavernous station, and I was not surprised when he won the election that November.
Howard Dean on the other hand did not impress me at all. It was after the democratic primaries but shortly before he had been named Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He boarded the train and sat down right across from the train’s lavatory. Unfortunately, most lavatories on our trains emanate a foul barnyard odor. Smart commuters avoid the seats surrounding the lavatory like the plague. Even though there were several other seats available, he chose to sit right across from the lavatory.
Now I ask, if a man does not have enough sense to not sit across from a bathroom on a Metro North train, how can he ever hope to be the leader of the free world?
Fantastic blog! Got over here from Tom Watson's "Dirty Life & Times". Your observations make me miss living in the Hudson Valley/NYC area even that much more painful. I've got to get back somehow.
Keep up the good work!
agree w/ tony, good blog bobby :)
from a metro-north rider...
Nice job. Got here via the Tom Watson link as well. As a former Metro North, current LIRR rider, I appreciate you point of view.
BTW - No contest, Metro North is a much better run operation than the LIRR. We don't have amusing stories, we have nightmares.
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