If you had asked me 6 months ago what a hyperlink was, I would have told you about the episode when Capt. Greer took Linc, Julie (my first crush!) and Pete’s badges away from them. “Linc was really upset,” I’d say, ”but he was way too cool to be hyper”.
Now that I know the new millennium definition of link and hyperlink, I’ve decided to post a few of them here.
Cary Potts
I met Cary when he was a regular on the 11:22 p.m. train (the theatre train) out of Grand Central. At the time he was playing bass in the Broadway production of All Shook Up (an Elvis Presley tribute show.) In addition to Broadway, Cary has appeared in several co

Vinnie Penn
Those of you that live in Connecticut, might recognize the name Vinnie Penn. For several years, Vinnie was the better half of the morning radio show on WKCI-KC

In addition to being a funny radio personality, Vinnie is also a great writer. He frequently contributes columns to The New Haven Register and recently had a short story published in the book Danger City.
Geoff Fox
Geoff Fox has been our local weatherman at WTNH in New Haven for the past 20 years. Those of you that don’t live in Connecticut might recognize him as the substitute weatherman on

I have watched Geoff’s forecasts for several years and knew he was a technophile and self-proclaimed computer geek. He seemed surprised when I told him about my blog (I guess I don’t look like the blogger type.) He told me that he also had a blog and it has something like 1700 posts (where does he find the time?) We exchanged our web addresses and he promised that he would visit my site. I figured he was just being polite. The next morning I awoke to find that he had left a comment on my Victoria Jackson post. I was thrilled!
As Linc would say..."Solid!”
Little known fact: Geoff Fox's main rival in meterology school was a man named Jeff Fox. Although this initially only proved to be a problem during morning role call, the situation escalated to an after school fight. The victor was Jeff with a J, who subsequently (and rightly so) modified his last name to Fox'worthy' and went on to become a comedian. Although happy and successful being a meteorologist, Geoff Fox still claims the other Jeff stole his "You might be a weatherman if..." routine.
Although that made for a very interesting story...it's not true.
I emailed Geoff and asked him. He said he's never met Jeff Fox or Foxworthy.
It seems that you were a victim of an urban legend.
Also I have a correction to make on this post. Vinnie Penn sent me an email stating that as of yet he does not have his own radio show. He has been contributing to other shows on the Sirius Network. He hopes to have his own show there soon.
I stand corrected! How silly of me.
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